It is a true passion for the spirit of the land that drove the Rare Earth New Mexico team to set aside more than 4,000 acres of this ranch in conservation...forever. From the community's inception, the founders have joined with environmental specialists and land planners to create a comprehensive plan that protects not only the unspoiled spaces of Canyon Ridge, but the migratory corridors of its native inhabitants.
The dedication to preservation has led the Rare Earth New Mexico team to receive national recognition for their conservation efforts at Canyon Ridge.
Blending in with nature.... It is the essence of the design of the Canyon Ridge amenities, and the basis for its architectural guidelines, created by famed architect Bill Harrison of the Harrison Design Group.
Together, the Principals of Rare Earth New Mexico have worked together with Harrison Design to create a comprehensive design platform which encompasses the native elements of Canyon Ridge in a truly unique style while allowing for individual refinements.